Varzonin Jury Nikolaevich, doctor hab., professor of chair of general and classical linguistics of Tver State University.
Komina Natalija Anatoljevna, doctor hab., professor, head of chair of foreign languages for humanitarian faculties of Tver State University.
Maksimova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, teacher of Sanatorium's home № 14, Zelenograd.
Mkrtychyan Svetlana Viktorovna, PhD, docent of chair of Russian language of Military Academy of Aerospace Defense (Tver)
Morozova Oksana Nikolaevna, doctor hab., professor of chair of the theory of language and cross-cultural communication of Tver State Agricultural Academy
Nichiporovich Elena Andreevna, PhD, doctoral student chair of general and classical linguistics of Tver State University.
Noskova Svetlana Ehduardovna, doctor hab., docent of chair of the theory of language and cross-cultural communication of Tver State Agricultural Academy
Romanov Alexey Arkadjevich, doctor hab., professor, head of chair of the theory of language and cross-cultural communication of Tver State Agricultural Academy, head of Institute of Applied Linguistics and Communications, Honorary member of Science of Russian Federation.
Sapozhnikova Lyubov' Dmitrievna, post-graduate student of chair of the theory of language and cross-cultural communication of Tver State Agricultural Academy
Sorokin Yury Aleksandrovich, doctor hab., professor, leading researcher of Linguistics Institute of Russian Academy of Science (Moscow).
Surova Elena Alekseevna, post-graduate student of Ulyanovsk State University
Filippova Yuliya Viktorovna, senior teacher of the chair of English linguistics and translation of the Institute of International Relations of Ulyanovsk State University.